FlyQ Step by Step with a Master Instructor
1 video | Buy $59
This Video is designed into sections for you to watch, rewind, and then most sections along with to really learn from a pro. You can watch it straight through for a quick 90 minute lesson or do each one along with us for over 3 hours of training.
The Biggest Radio Mistakes (and how not to make them!)
1 video | Rent $15 | Buy $19
Spend a fun and educational 90 minutes with 5,500 hour ATP & Master Instructor, Gary Reeves, as he teaches you the most common radio problems and some very simple techniques to help make using the radio while flying easier! A must see webinar for anyone from the new student pilot to the instructo...
6 videos | Buy $99
ForeFlight IFR use 3 hour training
1 video | Rent $79 | Buy $99
Spend 3 hours with Master CFI and IFR expert, Gary Reeves, as he walks you step by step how to use ForeFlight for IFR Flight we will cover:
XC Planning
Chart Highlighting
Alternates / Weather Decision Points
Filing and Briefing
Scratchpad / Documents
Plates ... -
10 Ways your iPad can cause Accidents and FAA Violations!
1 video | Rent $5 | Buy $10
This is a must-watch movie for anyone who uses iPad, Android, and Handheld GPS. With the increase in popularity, a huge increase in FAA violations and pilot mistakes has happened as well. Come learn 10 simple steps to protect yourself and your pilot certificate.
Your speaker, Gary Reeves, is o...
ForeFlight VFR Use Step by Step 3 HOURS!
1 video | Rent $79 | Buy $99
3 Hours with a Master Flight Instructor that will take you slowly step by step through everything you need to use ForeFlight safely in-flight!
Contents include:
1 Subscription and Downloads
2 Aircraft Set-up
3 Weight and Balance
4 Custom Waypoints
5 Flight Planning, Filing and, Briefing
6 ... -
The Top 25 Mistakes That Good Pilots Make
1 video | Rent $12 | Buy $19
Watch now to learn why good pilots keep having the same accidents and FAA violations every year. By watching this entertaining 90 minute video, you will learn how to keep yourself out of accidents and FAA investigations.
This is not textbook or FAA PTS learning, it's real-life tips from a pro...
IFR Made Easy
1 video | Rent $12 | Buy $19
Watch now to learn 10 real-life tips from an ATP, Master Instructor to make learning, teaching, and flying IFR much safer and easier. Learn why you need two alternates, not one and what type of airports you should pick and avoid!
Are you putting the gear down to track a glide slope? Learn why ... -
Mountain Flying
1 video | Rent $12 | Buy $19
Come spend 90 minutes with an expert who will teach you how to make mountain flying easier, safe and, fun. You will learn why mountain flying is different, effects of altitude on airplanes and pilots, mountain weather and some great basic strategies to avoid CFIT accidents.
Your speaker, Gary...